Other models and concepts

Another author summarizes the zones with an edge

Apter, the author of the book “Danger”, distinguishes between “safety zone” (1), “danger zone” (2), and “trauma zone” (3) – but against the background of risky behavior research. Due to his object of research, he introduces the areas of the “dangerous edge” (4) and the “protection corridor” (5).

In his book, Apter deals with the question of why people act against their natural striving for safety when they voluntarily and repeatedly expose themselves to existentially dangerous situations.

He shows how we move across the different zones and sometimes look for a safe and familiar situation and for deadly abysses at other times

The Chinese have come up with many of the presented ideas more than 2500 years ago

With the concept of the yin-yang axis from the tradition of Chinese Taoism I bring one last concept to the table.

In their model from the book “Lebenskraft” or “Lifeforce”, Anton and Marie-Louise Stangl distinguish between the two main zones “tension” or “yang” (1 and 2) and “solution” or “yin” (3 and 4). They then further differentiate these two zones into “excessive tension” (1) and “healthy tone” (2) as well as “solution” (3) and “resolution” (4).

The authors conclude that there is a healthy tone. Vitality and brilliant performances arise in a natural oscillation between a healthy tone (2) and solution (3), while the extreme states of excessive tension (1) and resolution (4) lead to a breakdown of the personality and to mediocre to poor performances.