Where do we find the courage to leave our familiar stories behind? Where do we find the courage to leave the beaten track? Where do we find the courage to question what is being treated by the collective as absolute truth?
The answer is inner freedom and mental mobility, or agility for short.
Where do we find the courage to follow our hearts? Where do we find the courage to overcome our fears with experience, even if we sometimes feel we have to put everything at risk? Where do we find fundamental ease in life that bubbles like a freshly opened bottle of Coke?
The answer is being connected to everything that is and deep existential snugness in the present moment, or in short: Unity.
Where do we get the stuff, we need to get our lives off the ground? Where do we find the strength and resources to realize what we set out to do? Where do we find what we perceive as overflowing wealth, while some may think of us as poor and poor old chaps?
The answer is gratitude, perceiving and appreciating what is, problems and challenges included, or in short: Bricoji.
These three: Unity, Agility, and Bricoji are the three essential aspects of modern spirituality and practice of easiness.
And accordingly, some treat religion, spirituality, or, more profane, the practice of easiness as a universal response to the questions of life.
Usually, these people carry an invisible fishing net with them. And somewhere they have a tank where they gather people like fish, while these fish much prefer to travel in the expanse of lakes, rivers, and oceans.